Here are my top three golf grip tips to make fine adjustments to help with the most common problems.
Grip the club lightly for more club head speed
Club head speed has a direct significance on the distance we gain. To achieve the greatest club head speed, you need to grip the club as lightly as possible , without it flying from your hands! This is why we wear a glove - to enable us to grip lightly on the club, yet still retain control of it. On a scale of 1-10, if 10 were the tightest you could grip the club, we are looking at maybe 2-3 for a light grip
Use a weaker grip to help prevent hook shots
If your ball is curving to the left, this is known as a hook shot. You need to move your hands around the clubs` grip to the left (anti-clockwise), this is known as a weak grip. Make these adjustments in small increments until you get the desired effect. If you have your grip as weak as possible, and you are still hooking, try this;- grip the club more tightly, on our 1-10 scale try 4-5. Gripping the club tightly makes your arms swing slightly slower and the club head will take longer to release - in normal circumstances this would encourage a slice, but it should fix your hook.
Use a stronger grip to help prevent a slice
If your ball is curving to the right, this is known as a slice. You need to move your hands around the clubs` grip to the right (clockwise), this is known as a strong grip. Again, make these adjustments in small increments until you get the desired effect. If you have your grip as strong as possible, and you are still slicing, then you need to grip the club as lightly as possible, 1-2 on our scale.
This will let your arms swing quicker, the club head will release faster and, in effect, encourage a hook - which should straighten-up your slice.
I hope that you found these golf grip tips useful and informative, and that they go some way to helping your golf game.
Enjoy your golf.