Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), known as the

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is How to Improve Your Golf Game by Noel

This is how to improve your golf game. How many times have you heard that from friends who you play with, or ads on the radio or T.V. You listen intently to the advice given and then try to put the advice into practice. Then it happens, right there in front of everyone. You blow it. There is nothing more soul destroying than standing up on the first tee box, taking time over your drive, making sure you take your practice swings, then you take your swing, you make contact with the ball. You watch in horror as your ball sails off to your right or your left going either into the rough, or worse still out of bounds.

Your heart sinks, you make feeble excuses to your partner who tries to brush it off with a, do not worry about it comment, but you know deep down he thinks otherwise. From this point onward you are struggling. Your confidence is weakened and your score is now vulnerable.What can you do to stop this happening again. Read on and I will tell you how to improve your golf game. There is a fundamental rule for every sport, and it is the WARM UP SESSION. It is vital that you arrive at the club house in plenty of time to do your practice drills. It is no good arriving into the car park jumping out of your car and making a bee line straight to the changing room then straight onto the tee box. This is a remedy for disaster.

If you are serious about your golf, then you will already have a practice routine which you do before each game. If you do not then here are a few pointers. First and foremost, arrive in plenty of time, at least a good forty minutes before each game. This allows you time to change, arrange your club bag and the clothes you need to wear depending on weather conditions. Now you should begin some stretching exercises. Nothing too strenuous, just enough to loosen the muscles and joints. Next make your way to the practice area and begin swinging your arms without holding a club. Do this ten to twelve times. Then take out your seven iron and begin with swinging that a number of times, working your way right up to your big driver. This is essential. These small details are a major help in how to improve your golf game.

The next session you should do is practice your set up. Now remember this is all done before you hit a single ball. Your set up comprises of a routine of drills. These are where you practice your stance, your posture, how it feels on your back as you raise and lower your driver. Your swing arc. How does it feel. Is there pressure on your spine because you are raising your club too far behind your back. Your grip on the golf club. Is it too tense, should you relax it a bit more. The correct grip pressure is not strangling the club, but keeping it firmly but flexible in your hand. The criteria for this is, if someone wanted to take the club from your hand, they could do it without having to pull it out. Remember firm grip but a flexible one.

These are only a few sample tips explaining, How to improve your golf game. There is a myriad of other routines which must be followed, but unfortunately space does not allow me to continue any further. All that's left for me to say is, good luck in your golfing.