Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), known as the

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Correct Your Golf Slice Today by Matt Hammelstein

Golf can be a frustrating game. Today we're going to analyze one of the most frustrating parts of the game: The golf slice. We'll also show you how you can correct your golf slice.

What's happening:

Golfers are slamming their clubs on the ground, uttering four-letter words and having a miserable time on the tee-box! Why? Because they are slicing the ball! If this is happening to you, you aren't alone. Golf slices are a big problem for most golfers.

What is a slice?

A slice occurs when you hit a shot, and it spins off to the right. (to the left for lefties). This often occurs when the club face is open, and the path of the golf club comes from the wrong angle. This usually happens when your club is on an outside-to-inside path as the club nears the ball. If your clubface is open while on that outside-to-inside path, the slice can be extreme!

How to correct your golf slice

It's one thing to know what is happening. How are you going to fix it?

We have a few quick tests that will help you correct your golf slice.

1. The Rope Test -- when your hands are at the top of your backswing, imagine that you are holding a rope that is attached to a tree straight in front of you. Now your object is to pull the rope straight down. As you begin the downswing, you want that same straight down motion. This will force your right elbow to stay close to your body, and prevent you from going "outside-in" with your swing motion.

2. The Box test -- Get a long, skinny box, and lay it on the ground. You will be hitting the end of the box with your driver. Your goal is to make the box go straight in front of you. If you hit the end of the box and it goes to the right or the left, than your swing is off. This is a good way to test new enhancements to your swing if you can't make it to the driving range.

3. The Tennis test -- If you've ever tried to put topspin on a tennis ball, you know that you have to turn over the racket as you hit the ball. This same rolling of the wrists needs to happen when you hit a golf ball. As you are impacting the ball, make sure that your right hand ends up on top of your left hand. Just as you want that to happen in tennis to get topspin, your goal in striking a golf shot is to roll the hands. When you roll the hands over properly, you can be sure that you are closing the face of the club, when will severely decrease the likelihood of a slice.

Hopefully these tests gleaned from years of experience by golf professionals, can help you to correct your golf slice!

I have a number of additional tips that can significantly improve your game. Many people have found these to be extremely helpful in getting rid of the dreaded slice, so please check them out today!